CRYOcheck™ Factor VIII Inhibitor Kit


This kit, intended for use in the clinical laboratory, serves to standardize the preparation of samples for the assay of inhibitors by the modified Bethesda-Nijmegen method.

This kit is the ideal solution for laboratories wishing to use standardized sample preparations in order to limit the variability of anti-FVIII antibody assays.



- Each kit contains five sets of vials, including positive and negative FVIII inhibitor controls
- Excellent repeatability and reproducibility
- Suitable for multicenter clinical studies
- Excellent linearity
- Convenient frozen format, ready to use in minutes, no reconstitution errors


Treatment for hemophilia A consists of injecting the missing Factor VIII by I.V. to prevent or stop the bleeding. A majority of the complications of this treatment are the development of antibodies against FVIII, called inhibitors.

The development of an anti-FVIII inhibitor leads to episodes of bleeding that are difficult to control.
The activity of the inhibitor is measured by a Bethesda test and is expressed in BU.
1BU neutralizes 50% of the activity of FVIII for hemophilia A.


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Nijmegen Bethesda Assay


CCIK08Kit10 tests