CRYOcheck™ Normal Reference Plasma


Calibration plasma for specialized quantitative assays for hemostatic parameters.

CRYOcheck™Normal Reference Plasma is citrated human normal plasma.
This specialized calibrator is obtained by mixing at least 20 bags of plasma from healthy donors.
Titrated for the following parameters: Fibrinogen, Factor II, Factor V, Factor VII, Factor VIII (Chromogenic and Clotting), Factor IX, Factor X, Factor XI, Factor XII, Factor XIII, Prekallikrein, VWF : Antigen, VWF : Ristocetin Cof., Plasmin inhibitor, PS activity, Free PS and total Ag, AT activity and AT Ag, PC activity and PC Ag, Plasminogen.


- Citrate 3.2% equivalent
- Ready to use in minutes after thawing
- Compact, color-coded boxes for easier identification in freezers
- ISTH / SSC international standard
- Certificate of analysis supplied with each batch
- Turbidimetric method and aggregation for the ristocetin cofactor

Each parameter of the CRYOcheck™Normal Reference Plasma is representative of the normal population and has been validated using a WHO international standard.
Reference values are assigned by independent and internationally recognized laboratories using international reference standards (for existing ones) using different hemostasis analyzers.



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Fresh frozen plasmas


CCNRP-05Kit25 x 0.5 mL
CCNRP-10Kit25 x 1.0 mL