Factor XIa Calibrator


Purified preparation of factor XIa for the ROX FXIa kit, calibrated against the WHO international standard.

Calibration plasma for the determination of FXIa in hemostasis.

Method / Application

The amount of FXa generated is determined by hydrolysis of a chromogenic substrate for FXa.

The quantity of para-nitroaniline released during this hydrolysis and measured at 405 nm and is proportional to the concentration of FIXa in the reaction medium.


Factor XI (FXI) is a protein synthesized by the liver. It participates in the contact phase which initiates the intrinsic pathway of coagulation.
It is activated by FXIIa to factor FXIa which will itself activate FIX in the presence of calcium ions.


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Colorimetric assay


5-1199Vial10 x 4.0 mL