Mouse monoclonal antibody anti-human Factor IX, IgG1


Antigen: Human factor IX, Human factor IXa, heavy chain of human factors IX and IXa
Origin: Mouse monoclonal antibody (IgG1)
Buffer formulation: 50 % Glycerol / H₂O (v/v)

Application: RIA (+), Immunoblotting (+), ELISA (+), Immunohistochemistry (+)
Molecular weight (Da): 150 000
Extinction coefficient: 14.0
Host: Mouse
Immunogen: Human purified FVIII


Custom needs by supplying you conjugated with biotin, HRP, FITC or other conjugates.
Special formulations are available upon request.
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FIX is a vitamin K dependent glycoprotein synthesized by the liver. FIX can be activated into FIX in FIXa by FXIa or by FVIIa in the presence of phospholipids and calcium.
A person who is deficient in FIX has hemophilia B.


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9-AHIX-5041Vial100 µg