Mouse monoclonal antibody anti-human Factor X, IgG1


Origin : Mouse monoclonal antibody IgG1
Antigen : heavy chains of human FXa and FX, does not bind bovine Factor FX or BEGRck-FXa

Application : Purification, Inhibitor (PT, prothrombinase, aPTT partially but not amidase activity)
Host : Mouse
Immunogen : Human FX purified


Custom needs by supplying you conjugated with biotin, HRP, FITC or other conjugates.
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Factor X (FX) is a glycoprotein synthesized by the liver, dependent on vitamin K. FX is involved in the common pathway of coagulation.
It is activated in FXa by the FT-FVIIa complex or by the FVIIIa-FIXa complex in the presence of phospholipids.
FXa is neutralized by TFPI and antithrombin.


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9-AHX-5050Vial100 µg