Mouse monoclonal antibody anti-human FVII, IgG1


Antigen: Human Factor VII, VIIa, BFPRck VIIa
Origin: Mouse monoclonal antibody (IgG1)
Buffer formulation: Glycérol 50 % / H₂O (v/v)

Application: ELISA (+), RIA (+), Immunoblotting (+)
Molecular weight (Da): 150 000
Extinction coefficient: 14.0
Host: Mouse
Immunogen: Purified human FVII


Custom needs by supplying you conjugated with biotin, HRP, FITC or other conjugates.
Special formulations are available upon request.
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Factor VII (FVII) is a glycoprotein synthesized by the liver, zymogen of a serine protease. It is a vitamin K dependent factor belonging to the prothrombin complex. Its half-life is 4 to 6 hours and it is the only coagulation factor present in trace amounts in its active form.
When tissue factor appears on the endothelial surface, activated FVII associates with it initiating the extrinsic pathway for coagulation.
This complex (FT-FVIIa) will activate the FX in FXa and the FIX in FIXa.


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9-AHVII-5031Vial100 µg

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