Mouse monoclonal antibody anti-human thrombin, IgG1


Antigen : Human thrombin, thrombin-ATIII complex, thrombin-PPACK, human thrombin

Application : ELISA, inhibits the clot but not amidase activity.
kD (IIa)= 1.4.10-8 M; kD (IIa-ATIII)= 1.4.10-8 M Inhibits clotting but not amidase activity
Host : Mouse.
Immunogen : purified human thrombin


Custom needs by supplying you conjugated with biotin, HRP, FITC or other conjugates.
Special formulations are available upon request.
Discount according to quantities


During the coagulation cascade, prothrombin is activated by the prothrombinase complex (FXa, FVa in the presence of phospholipid and calcium) into thrombin which plays a central role in the coagulation process. It will indeed transform fibrinogen into fibrin, amplify its own formation and activate the protein C, TAFI and platelet systems.


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9-AHT-5020Vial100 µg