Murine monoclonal antibody anti-human fibrin ß-chain (IgG1)


Antigen: Beta chain of fibrinogen / human fibrin (57 kDa)

Application : IHC
Host : Mouse


The lyophilized presentation allows greater stability until the expiration date.


The cleavage of fibrinogen to fibrin by thrombin is the final event of the coagulation cascade. Fibrinogen is an M40 kDa glycoprotein synthesized by the liver. Thrombin cleaves the NH2 end of the Aa chain releasing fibrinopeptide A and generating fibrin. Thrombin also cleaves the NH2 end of the Bb chain releasing fibrinopeptide B. Fibrinopeptides allow the Aa and Bb chains to polymerize and form the fibrin network.


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11-350Vial0.5 mg