

Specific synthetic chromogenic substrate for the measurement of plasma kallilrein activity.
The chromogenic peptides are also used in quality control of pharmaceutical and other preparations.
We can supply further packaging on request.

Peptide sequence : H-D-Abu-CHA-Arg-pNA, 2AcOH
Molecular Weight (+2AcOH) : 652.70 g/mol
Km : 7,48 µM
pNA free content < 0.5 %
Purity grade > 95 %


Package Inserts, certificate of analysis supplied.
Material safety Data Sheet (MSDS) supplied.
Prolonged stability following reconstitution (> 3 months).


The line of chromogenic peptide substrates is a range of high quality substrates, which allow to test protease serines.
They target enzymes involved in coagulation and fibrinolysis such as thrombin, Factor Xa, Factor XIIa, kallicrein, activated C protein, plasmin and plasminogen-SK.
These are synthetic peptides that react with proteolytic enzymes by releasing a colour that can be followed by spectrophotometry and whose intensity is proportional to the proteolytic activity of the enzyme.


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Plasma kallikrein


8-080-03Vial1 x 25 mg

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