Sheep polyclonal antibody anti-human antithrombin


Antigen : Human antithrombin
Origin : Sheep polyclonal antibody

Application : Western Blot, ELISA
Molecular weight (Da) : 150 000
Extinction Coef. : 14.0
Host : Sheep
Immunogen: Human purified antithrombin
Buffer formulation : 50 % Glycerol / H₂O (v/v)


Custom needs by supplying you antibodies conjugated with biotin, HRP, FITC or other conjugates.
Special formulations are available upon request.
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Previously called antithrombin III (abbreviated AT III), human antithrombin is one of the major physiological inhibitors of coagulation. A natural serine protease inhibitor, antithrombin acts mainly on thrombin (IIa) and activated factor X (FXa), as well as on the activated forms of factors IX, XI and XII. This reaction is catalyzed by heparin. The normal level of antithrombin is between 80 and 120% in adults and it is about half in newborns. Antithrombin deficiency predisposes to thrombosis.


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