AR Chip T-TAS® 01


AR Chip for T-TAS® 01 is used to analyze the function of platelets and blood aggregation under physiological conditions of blood circulation.

AR chip has a 80 μm depth flow chamber coated with collagen and tissue thromboplastin, and mimics in vivo blood flow with 600/s shear stress, which represents shear stresses in large arteries.


A distinct advantage of using a flow chamber system for the measurement of thrombus formation is the correlation with the in vivo thrombus formation process. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analyses of thrombi inside AR chip showed that thrombi formed within the microchip capillaries under flow condition were tightly packed and contained numerous activated platelets. In contrast, thrombi formed under static condition was mainly composed of erythrocytes surrounded by fibrin fibers.

The AR chip has an 80 µm thick flow chamber coated with both collagen and thromboplastin (tissue factor).
Blood flow is maintained at 600 / s, mimicking in vivo blood flow in the large arteries.
Ready to use.


A complex web of biochemical and physical reactions between platelets and clotting factors at the site of vascular injury is required to achieve hemostasis.
Under flow conditions, platelet activation and coagulation processes are dynamically intertwined with each other affected by platelets, coagulation factors and their various inhibitors and activators.


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25-19001Consumables1 x 20 units20 tests